Meet the Artist
An interview with composer and pianist Nina Ferić, discussing her musical influences, challenges in her career, composing process, and her debut album “People, Places, Moments.” She shares insights into her personal musical language, her approach to composing, and her definition of success in music. Ferić also reflects on the growth of classical music audiences and expresses her aspirations for the future.
Novosti i medijske objave
- intervju23 travnja, 2023
„Nina Ferić je pijanistica i skladateljica, ali isto tako i prevoditeljica sa i na sedam jezika, a odnedavno ponovo s hrvatskom adresom. Naime, nakon 15 godina života u Italiji, Nina se početkom ove godine vratila definitivno u Hrvatsku i to je za nju velika promjena, ali vrlo dobrodošla i dugo sanjana.“
- intervju10 ožujka, 2023
In an interview with PARMA Recordings, Nina Feric discusses her diverse artistic influences and pursuits, from piano to ballet, drawing, theater, and art history. She recalls a remarkable performance in Madeira, where her passion for music led to a memorable, albeit dramatic, piano recital. Feric’s album, “PEOPLE, PLACES, MOMENTS,” holds profound personal significance as it encapsulates her life’s stories and emotions, aiming to awaken [...]
- intervju3 ožujka, 2023
„Pijanistica i skladateljica Nina Ferić krajem prošle godine objavila je svoj album prvijenac, “People, Places, Moments”, za koji je osvojila dvije Global Music Awards 2022. Album je objavljen u izdanju diskografske kuće Parma Recordings (Big Round Records), a izvršni producent je Bob Lord, čiji je rad 2020. i 2021. bio prepoznat i nagrađen nominacijom za Grammy.“